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Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2013 book printables

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Highlights of the 43rd edition include updates the following areas: Revised recommendations for prosthetic joint infections, reflecting new IDSA guidelines. Resistance blok antibacterial agents continues to increase at an alarming pace. Materials on management of resistant gram-positive organisms, such as MRSA, and multi-drug resistant gram-negative bacilli, such as coli, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas have been extensively updated and expanded.

Colistin therapy for MDR gram-negative bacteria. Obesity dosing. Prolonged and continuous infusion dosing. Beta lactam allergy & updated/expanded drug desensitization methods. New drug ttherapy MDR TB: Bedaquiline. Updated and expanded coverage of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis New combination antiretroviral drug: Stribild (elvitegravir + cobicistat + emtricitabine + tenofovir. Copyright � 2001-2016 Matthews Book Company - All rights reserved.

- 11559 Rock Island Ct., Maryland Heights, MO, 63043 - (800) MED-BOOKMatthews Privacy StatementThis web site is best viewed with: Internet Explorer 5.5+, Firefox 1.5+, and Netscape 6.0+ Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App.

Then you can start reading Kindle giude on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device printqbles classic pocket reference in print is in its 44th edition for 2014.

Content is organized in tables that cover all aspects of treatment plus comprehensive anti-infective drug information and many useful tools. Recommendations are evidence-based and extensively referenced.

Generations of physicians have relied on this edition to help them make informed treatment decisions at the point of care.The content has been updated to reflect current best-evidence recommendations for treatment of bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic and printablez infections, newly approved drugs, new indications for existing drugs and references to new reports in the literature.

-This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2013 book printables title. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of therzpy This shopping sxnford will continue to load items.

In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. � Series: Sanford Guides� Paperback: 243 pages� Publisher: Antimicrobial Therapy; Poc edition (April 22, 2014)� Language: English� ISBN-10: 193080878X� ISBN-13: 978-1930808782�Product Dimensions:6.6 x 4.4 x 0.4 inches� Shipping Weight: 4 ounces� Thrrapy Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See printabpes reviews( 168 customer reviews)� Amazon Best Sellers Rank:#56,471 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books)� #40 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Pharmacology� #77 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Allied Health Services > Pharmacy� #91 in Books > Medical Books > Pharmacology > Pharmacy It's not your eyes!

As the volume of information has grown, the font size has shrunk. Sanford is available in a Library edition (7X11 inches); a Spiral Bound (5X8 inches); and a Pocket Size (4.5X6.5 inches). It printablez this last one that has created the visual challenges for many. Data in the others is expanded as well as the size of the print.

Thus, you can be both happier and smarter, though a bit poorer!Comment69 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. The 2014 Sanford Guide is my 12th or 13th edition over the years and continues to be full of antimicrobiwl information. BUT the print and spacing has changed. It has become quite differcult to read even though my reading vision remains at 20/15.Comment24 people found this helpful.

Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. The print size is too small. It should come with a magnifier. Is a larger letter size print edition available? ***Comment18 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. Easier to find information in this book sanfoed any other of my source physician guides.

It has everything and I find it even faster than scrolling a google search for a particular disease entity. Bring your bifocals as the print is SMALL thrrapy quite readable even with my old eyes.Comment8 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. There are other good guides out there, but Sanford takes the cake.

I bought this desktop version, because frankly at 60 the pocket book one's print is too small.too bad no Wi Fi where I work.would enlarge the print. This aantimicrobial comes out every year and is almost the sine quo non for practitioners of the art.Comment5 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. I bought this in sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2013 book printables spiral-bound edition which is a huge improvement over the tiny print in the pocket size addition.

I can actually carry it in the pocket of my lab coat printablws I want to. Excellent guide for antimicrobials. I don't think it's going to be replaced by anything that's on my smart phone anytime soon. Much better deal than buying all of the separate apps on the smart phone.Comment3 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. I've been using the Sanford guide since I started Med School in 1999. I appreciate having a concise, handy reference for day-to-day use in the clinic, especially for rounds and for those times when computer access is unwieldy or unavailable.

Good product, will continue to use.CommentWas this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. This Library Edition is what you get if you copy every page of the pocket version at 200% enlargement. The book measures 7" x11", so it will not fit in your pocket (which is what made the original guide so popular).

But the layout & content are identical, & it solves the problem of needing a magnifier to read the microscopic print in the pocket version.CommentWas this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. 5.0 out of 5 stars This is a great resource for any clinical rotation and for medical.This is a great resource for theerapy clinical rotation Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App.

Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Comment: Good copy ready to ship same or next day! May not include supplemental materials such as CDs and access codes. Cover shows normal wear and pages contain some marking/highlighting. Choose Expedited Shipping for delivery in 2-6 days! Thank you! Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1 Sanford guide to antimicrobial therapy 2013 book printables shopping feature will continue to load items.

In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. � Series: Sanford Guides� Spiral-bound: 236 pages� Publisher: Antimicrobial Therapy; 43 Spi edition (April 1, 2013)� Language: English� ISBN-10: 1930808755� ISBN-13: 978-1930808751�Product Dimensions:8.2 x 5.3 x 0.4 inches� Shipping Weight: 7 ounces� Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews( 125 customer reviews)� Amazon Best Sellers Rank:#1,164,679 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books)� #849 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Therrapy > Allied Health Services > Pharmacy� #911 in Books > Textbooks > Medicine & Health Sciences > Medicine > Basic Sciences > Pharmacology� #1221 in Books > Medical Books > Pharmacology > Pharmacy I owned both Sanford guide 2010 and 2013.

There isn't a big difference between the two but the paper quality is so thin and easy to tear for the 2013 edition. Overall, as a 3rd year pharmacy student, I think it is very helpful in terms of looking up antibiotics. About the font, it is really small.Comment23 people found this helpful.

Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. This book is the gold standard for antibiotic therapy. That being said, I can't read it. The type is so small and the book is such a poor quality that the print is hard to read. I sit with a magnifying glass trying to decipher the text. It fits in a lab coat pocket. For such a useful tool, it would be nice to be able to read it easily, have a few colors to differentiate sections. Yes, I know it can be accessed electronically, but that is not always an option.

So great content, lousy presentation, cost is a star.Comment10 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. They must have really cut back on material costs from previous years. The book itself contains all the updated things from the previous year (2012) but its really too small of a print (even for a young persons eyes) - over priced for the poor quality material in construction.

The binding is subpar. For how much the book costs I expected something more durable. I would look for a better version of this book if you can find it.3 Comments19 people found this helpful.

Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. But I am going to have to carry around a magnifying glass. The type is really really really small, and even with bifocals, it is really hard to read.Comment7 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. Like other reviewers, the font is outrageously tiny. I had to purchase a pair of reading glasses to view the materialComment7 people found this helpful.

Was this review helpful to you?Yes Printahles feedback. I have gone through multiple editions of the guide. I have only one complaint - the index. There are multiple items in the index that points to the wrong page.Comment6 people found this helpful.

Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. I have been using the Sanford Guide since I was a resident 20 years ago, although the quality of the medical information is good as always, the paper quality changed dramatically since 2012 affecting the reading and the printing quality. I called the Editorial and they say they use RECYCLED PAPER in the latest edition in order to "protect the environment".

I believe is because is just cheaper and the guide has gotten more expensive not cheaper. Overall very poor quality for the price you pay for a pocketbook.Comment20 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?Yes NoSending feedback. This is really the best book for any microbio guude need on the wards. You'll look like you actually paid attention during microbio with this book. The typie is very small ad the paper quality sucks. can be a bit slow to navigate through. You can look stuff up by organism or condition, and it has a spectrum of bacteria sensitive to each antibiotic.1) UCSF Hospitalist Handbook - the info is a bit more practical and step-by-step than Pocket Medicine.

It's a great complement or alternative (you can get the iPhone/Android version for cheaper through AgileMD). Because it gives way more tangible, practical diagnostic and management steps than the Red/Green book, all my residents would be super surprised at how much more "mature" and "relevant" my diagnostic and management plans were in my presentations.

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