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� Complete Solutions� NUMROTO� Overview� Platform� Simulation� NUMROTO Draw� Gallery� Partners� Customer Area� NUMspecial� NUMcut� NUMgear� NUMtransfer� NUMhsc� NUMwood� NUMretrofit� Engineering� Project Management� Products� CNC Controls� Operating Panels� Drives� Motors� Accessories� Safety� Tools� Switching Cabinets� Support� Guarantee Card� Worldwide Customer Service� Training� Spare Parts� References� Cybermeca� Essetre S.r.l.� Feng Chia University� Hofmann & Vratny OHG� Dassault Aviation� CNC Onestop Inc.� Tianjin Betek Machinery Manufacturing Co.� Redtenbacher Prazisionsteile Ges.m.b.H.� Jean Gallay S.A.� ANDRITZ Soutec AG� Newlast Group� Fraisa S.A.� APeC Integration Services Inc.� Minuteria Meccanica Valsesiana S.r.l.� Purdue University� Weingartner Maschinenbau GmbH� Perndorfer Maschinenbau KG� ORT / MICO S.r.l.� SOMAB� FIAT Powertrain� Klenk� Bourn & Koch, Inc.� Feng Chia University� Richter Maschinenfabrik AG� Mauth Werkzeug-Schleiftechnik GmbH� Favor Laser� RefreshEng Ltd.� Graf Holztechnik GmbH� Strausak� Company� NUM Group Executives� Locations� Contact� News� Career� Calendar of Events� Downloads� NUMinformation� NUMROTO Flash� NUMROTO Brochure� NUM Catalogs� NUM Brochures� History� NUMmember������ Shop� Disclaimer� Imprint� Sitemap Our goal is to provide high-quality video, TV streams, music, software, documents or any other shared files for free!If you have any other trouble downloading numroto plus post it in comments and our support team or a community member will help you! How to download numroto plus file to my device?� 1.
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Version 3.8 automates multi-helical and variable flute grinding, as well as providing a new form cutter function for profile inserts. It is available to existing NUMROTO users as an update.The software runs on NUM�s Flexium+ CNC system, which offers the use of sub-nano interpolation to ensure high quality surfaces, with short cycle times to allow fast 5-axis movement � even if the part program contains a very high density of ISO sequences.
Flexium+ supports all the safety functions that are needed on today�s high performance machines and can be operated very easily, using the same type of �dual touch� gestures that are employed with modern smartphones.Many of the high performance end mills that manufacturers now employ for precision machining applications, such as the production of aircraft components from specialist alloys or composite materials, are multi-helix tools designed for use at speeds up to 30,000 RPM.
Producing these types of tools cost-effectively is a demanding process that requires increasingly complex grinding capabilities. For example, to help prevent vibration, each of the tool�s cutting edges is twisted at a different angle � and with differential helix designs, the twist angle of each individual cutting edge also changes along the length of its body, from the tip of the tool to the shaft.
Furthermore, the width of the flute area of these tools can vary considerably, demanding precise positioning of the grinding wheel to ensure that the land width on the back of the tooth is correct.By harnessing the speed and computational capabilities of modern PCs, the latest version of NUMROTO software is able to handle the extremely complex path calculations necessary to create these sophisticated flutes.
Users can now define the core path geometry of flutes on end mills very easily and accurately.Designers and manufacturers often seek this functionality when optimising the chip transport characteristics of high performance machine tools � the rate at which chips are removed from the cutting face has a major bearing on the tool�s cutting speed and efficiency.By allowing the core path of each flute to be defined individually, NUMROTO also makes it possible for tool designers to compensate for any potential imbalance caused by irregular helices or asymmetric cutting blades.
Additionally, by enabling the entry point of the grinding wheel to follow the corner radius of the cutting edge, the software now facilitates the grinding of a defined rake angle on complex body forms and on cutting edges which pass from the body of the tool to its tip � a task that was previously extremely difficult to achieve.Nowadays, the cutting edges of most machine tools are ground from tungsten carbide.
Small rotary tools are usually manufactured from a single piece of carbide, whereas larger rotary tools and the majority of non-rotary tools feature individual cutting blades in the form of carbide inserts, which are retained in a holder made from a less expensive material.
Until relatively recently, the inserts were soldered or cemented to the holder prior to being ground, which sometimes made it very difficult or impossible to produce or maintain such tools on a CNC tool grinding machine � due to their size and complexity. Another disadvantage of this approach is that it requires the manufacturer to define the complete assembly as a rotary tool in the CNC program, demanding time-consuming and expensive programming.Working in partnership with a number of leading machine tool manufacturers and tool sharpening companies, NUM has further developed NUMROTO's form cutter function to simplify insert grinding significantly.
Users can now define a form cutter as a rotary tool or as a standalone profile insert. Holders with soldered or cemented inserts can still be defined as rotary tools, and the position of each insert can be probed individually, allowing any mounting inaccuracies to be detected and compensated for automatically during the grinding process.Many of the latest cutting tools employ user-replaceable profile inserts, which are ground as physically separate blades on a CNC grinding machine.
Instead of being fixed to a holder during grinding, the insert is held in a production clamping system that has an optimized geometry for efficient grinding, with unobstructed working space for the grinding wheel.NUMROTO�s profile insert function simplifies the programming of the new types of ultra high efficiency CNC tool � Home� |� Products� Machines� HAWEMAT Prazisa Granite� HAWEMAT 2001 CNC� HAWEMAT 2001 ECO� HAWEMAT 3000� Software� NUMROTO� NUMROTO Platform� Overview� NUMROTO Gallery� Tool Applications� for Metal Processing� Micro Tools� for Medical Technology� for Wood Working� Options� Grinding Wheel Changer� Tool Support� Special Appliances� Internal Loading System ILS 20/35� Ext.
Loading System LS 122� Ext. Loading System PLS 2� Ext. Loading System PLS 7� Ext. Numroto plus software System PLS 8� Oil Filter System OC 20� Wheel Dresser and Form Grinding Machine FC-250W� Measurement� |� Company� Company History� Competences� References� |� Training and Demo Center� Registration� |� Service� Support� Downloads� Awards� Patents� |� News� News� Exhibitions� New Products� |� Contact� Contact Persons� Representation� Contact Form� Approach 25 years high-end technology in tool grindingIt has never been so easy to manufacture and resharpen high-quality tools.If you.� machine a wide range of tools� are looking for the most economic and functional solution� want the maximum performance thanks to professional user oriented support.
then talk to us!Be innovative and stay ahead of the competition to guarantee futures success in tool grinding. Modern ProgrammingEnvironmentNUMROTOplus� uses leading edge technology to exploit all the capabilities of modern PCs and operating systems.NUMROTO plus � is completely compatible with Windows XP and Windows 7.
It can be easily networked and also used with your in-house software.The operating interface (see illustration aside) conforms to the Windows standard so that users don't have to reorient themselves after numroto plus software with other Windows programs. NUMROTO is a comprehensive software package for producing and resharpening a whole range of tools.NUMROTO is used in over 40 different machines from 15 renowned international manufacturers in 50 countries worldwide.
This allows investment in the exact machine that meets current needs. NUMROTO Tool GalleryThe NUMROTOplus� software package is able to manufacture and resharpen a variety of different tools. To meet different customer requirements, NUMROTOplus� has a modular structure.You can find the gallery on the producer's website. Tool grinding software for 5 axis CNC grinderHome�| Site�Map�| Search�| Company�| FeedbackIncrease Cutting Tool PerformanceNovatech, Inc.SoftwareRequires a Java Enabled Browser.CNC Tool Grinding Softwarewww.numroto.comNumroto Plus� Online Demonstration(High speedinternet recommended)Numroto Plus�PowerPoint Demonstration(right click on link, savetarget as)Numroto Plus� DemonstrationNote:Numroto Plus� works with NUM CNC only!Toolbox(program tools)Collision (avoidcollisionsTgmBuilder (define your own machine)SOLIDPro (3-D simulation) � Digital Editions� Subscriber Services� Free Magazine Subscription� Renew Your Subscription� Free E-newsletter Subscriptions� Contact Us� Contributing Editors� About Us� Advertise in Digital Engineering� Privacy Policy� Site Map � Home� Design� CAD� Rendering� CAD Models and Catalogs� Numroto plus software Virtual Desktop Blog� FEA� CFD� Multiphysics� Prototype/Manufacture� Rapid Ready Tech Blog� 3D Printing� 3D Scanning� CAM� Services� Test� PLM� IoT� Sensors� Electronic Components� Embedded Systems� Computing� HPC Handbook� Workstations� High-Performance Computing (HPC)� Cluster Computing� Cloud Computing� Graphics� Large-Format Printers/Scanners� Webcasts� Resources� Making the Case� Benchmarking Reports� White Papers� Custom Issues� Research� Optimization Leaders� Digital Editions� Engineering Services Directory� CAD Models & Catalogs� Editor�s Picks By DE EditorsTool manufacturers can now automatically create dimensioned engineering drawings of machine tools showing their precise geometry by using a new facility for NUM�s NUMROTO grinding software.
By producing cross-sectional views of a tool, the new NUMROTO Draw function can automate production verification. The drawings can also incorporate images obtained directly from 3D simulation of a tool, enabling complex grinding details to be portrayed graphically.NUMROTO Draw is tightly integrated with the core NUMROTO software. The drawing is derived directly from the same data source as the CNC program, ensuring there is no ambiguity in the process. Using data that defines the spatial course of the tool s cutting edge, the software automatically calculates all dimensions that require presentation and then generates the appropriate drawing.
If any of the dimensions do not meet a customer s requirement, they can be amended easily.Provided that the NUMROTO program also includes the grinding wheel data, NUMROTO Draw can process this information to create 3D details and integrate them with the drawing. The 3D details can be represented as color images or as wire frame models, and provide an accurate portrayal of the tool s profile or cross sectional geometry between or at any position(s) along its length.
The drawings are fully editable.A separate table, showing the main parameters of the tool, can either be created by the user or adapted from one of the templates supplied by NUM, and can be populated using values from the NUMROTO database to help save time.For more information, visit NUM.Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company�s website. � Altair Hosts Premiere solidThinking CONVERGE Event, Previews INSPIRE for the Cloud� Autodesk Rounds Out Fusion Lifecycle With Cloud-Based PDM� RedViking Launches Argonaut MES at IMTS� ebb3: Fast Connection to Data is the Key to High Performance Virtual Computers� Halo Tire Inflator Pumped Up by PLM � 3D Systems, PTC Partner September 16, 2016� MSC Software Announces Apex Fossa September 16, 2016� Cognitive Mobility: Olli the Self-Driving Vehicle September 15, 2016� Thor3D Unveils New Scanner September 15, 2016� Simpleware 2016.09 Now Available September 15, 2016� Stratasys Manufacturing Aids Speed of 3D-Printed Manufacturing Tools September 15, 2016� ModuleWorks 2016.08 Ships September 15, 2016 � Reviews� News� New Products� Design� CAD Models and Catalogs� Simulate� Prototype/Manufacture� Test� PLM� Engineering Computing� Engineering Services� Editor�s Pick of the Week� Check it Out� Digital Engineering Digital Editions � Digital Editions� Subscriber Services� Free Magazine Subscription� Renew Your Subscription� Free E-newsletter Subscriptions� Contact Us� Contributing Editors� About Us� Advertise in Digital Engineering� Privacy Policy� Site Map
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